親愛的牧師,你才離開5天,卻感覺你好像已經離開了好幾個月了。我好想念你中氣十足、快樂感染力有500匹馬力的爽朗笑聲,你超無厘頭可是真的很好笑的冷笑話 (我每次都有捧場喔!)。 我們同工們一起講到你就會開始又大哭又大笑,像一群神經病一樣,這樣下去,前進教會很快就要變成瘋人院了,到時候你應該會氣的連墳墓都冒煙吧~~ 可是教導我們要活出基督率真的生命和屬天的平安喜樂不就是你的口頭禪嗎? 就讓我們盡情的流淚,盡情的想念你吧! 因為你會一直都在我們心中,一直跟我們在一起,一同前進的!
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Hey pastor Rick
How are we going to call the RDD show from now? it's not the same without you.
Likewise, your church and your ministries are not the same without you, but as long as they keep following Jesus, I am certain they will keep growing strong, just as you would have hoped for.
And most of all, your family and friends are never the same without you, but perhaps not in a sad and negative way, although we miss you terribly, but the flame you left behind will be kept burning by the people who catches your passion for God. We pray for comfort and an undying hope for your family, that they will always be provided, taken care of, and deeply loved by, that they will grow strong under the care of our loving Father, and that they will always remember how you have left a positive impact for them which is life-changing, and how you have inspired the rest of us to love Christ more.
I miss you, and thank you for kickstarting our own full-time ministry journey by your encouraging words and testimonies, I will not forget this.
Enjoy heaven,
Ray Lin